Black Snow

Black Snow was a nation-wide campaign in March 2018 that drew attention to depression. The work included idea concept, copywriting, communication and video production, which was presented in television, radio, social media, outdoor print and in newspapers.


Veriff provides fully integrable web and mobile identity verification solutions that will help businesses reduce fraud and meet KYC requirements. In 2018 we helped them to get the message outside.

Donate to education

“Donate to education” commercials was a series to draw attention to the need to donate money for education. The Campaign was held by Swedbank and I love to help community on October 2019 and January 2020. The work included copyright and 4 commercials for online and TV.


#drinkitanywhere represents a set of values. It encourages us to explore, travel and share our experience with friends and fellows. #drinkitanywhere stands for freedom to consume without limits and anywhere.